Say hello to the

Homeschool Overwhelm Guide

I want you to thrive in your Homeschool Journey!  overcoming Homeschool Overwhelm is the first step in creating thrive! I can't wait for you to dive into this guide and start preventing and problem solving your homeschool overwhelm! 

In this guide we are going to get real!

I want you to understand that it took me YEARS to get to a thriving state in our Homeschool Journey, but it doesn't have to be that way for you! 


I want to take you on a journey from Homeschool Overwhelm to Homeschool Thrive! Where you get to be guided in learning prevention and problem solving for when Homeschool Overwhelm arises! 



Self Doubt

- understanding that you are the right person for the job!


- learning to compromise.


- focusing on what is most important.


- changing your perspective.


This guide will give you opportunity to write down your thoughts, fears, needs and wants in regard to the topics we will be covering. It will help you to learn some things about yourself and your family along the way!


This guide is for you if you are just getting started or you are in the thick of Homeschool Overwhelm and have no idea where to go from here! 


This guide is to give you a framework for overcoming and preventing Homeschool Overwhelm in your Homeschool Journey, so you don't have to wait until you're overwhelmed. 


Grab the guide now and go through it, 

so you know what to do when overwhelm comes along! 

What does the guide consist of?


A Downloadable PDF Guide


Video Course Content

Inside we will cover:


  • Who you need to be and what you need to provide
  • When what is done is good enough and the mess that is homeschool
  • Family over everything and everything in moderation
  • Mindset over matter and mindset practices


Grab your Homeschool Overwhelm guide!

I don't want you to spend years spiraling when one problem after another arises. You'll find yourself in a state of thinking “maybe it would be best if we just send our kids back to school.." Hint: Sending your kids back to school is not going to solve your problems, because Homeschool isn't the problem. Ready to find out more? Click the button below and join me on the  inside of the Homeschool Overwhelm Guide! 


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